I'm sooooooo excited! Mommy and Daddy got me a new bed!
As you can see, my old bed was, well - tatty would be the nicest thing I could say about it really. In any case, it was long overdue. I kept asking, but it took forever!
It turns out that it took so long, because Mommy and Daddy were "discussing" which type of bed to get. Mommy wanted something squishier, Daddy wanted something smaller - I just needed a new bed. I'm perfectly ok with the type of bed I have, it's just needs to be newer - and it is!

So I gave it a good sniff-over. Smelled really new, and maybe like some other dogs. Mommy put my blankets on it to try and make it smell a little better - I don't know if it's going to work.
Yep - it's not going to work, it smells like new toy, not new bed! So I had to play with it, shake it, and drag it about a bit.
Even Bert had to check out my new bed (he's always trying to sleep in my bed - like he needs such a big bed!). 
Eventually I settled right down in it and it's been great!