Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Was Tricked!

Mommy said that she had a surprise for me when she got home. I was hoping for a new bone or maybe a walk. I was a little worried when she said Bert was going to get the surprise too - there aren't many things that we both like to do, except sleep. But how bad could a surprise be right?!

I found out that surprises can be not so great - it was a trip to the vet! I guess the good news is that they only took a little bit of my blood and I only got one shot - oh and I got a bunch of treats for being a good dog.

And I got lots of sympathy from Daddy when I got home cause of my green band-aid. So it's not all bad!


Unknown said...

Hi there George!

You'll never believe this, but I actually LOVE going to the vet (Dr. D. - she's the best!) I even tried to go there when we walked by the other day, but Mommy insisted they were closed, so I plopped down in front of the Mexican restaurant until the servers all patted me and told me how cute I am. Hee!

Doesn't your vet give you yummie cookies? I've even been known to wag my tail during a shot because I'm so excited about getting the cookies!!!

Your pal,


Mr Samwise said...

Hello there George

I know what it is like going to the vets and like you I absolutely hate it but as my friend Bernie says you have to keep fit and make sure your well, so that you can look after your owners. I'm really glad to hear you got treats for your efforts.

Take care of yourself


Purrageous Pirates said...

Oh no! Not the V-E-T!! How awful!! I am getting so so so excited about Friday, George!! Dante said he was going to see if Pearl wanted to come early and maybe if she does you could come with her too? I am getting all of my toys together so we have lots of things to play with and I am bringing my treats for us to eat too! I cannot wait - Beaux

Abby said...

Hi, George...

Ouch...They took your Blood AND gave you a shot??? I'm sorry...

The vet sent me a postcard last week & told me to remind my Mom that I need to come see him...I haven't reminded her yet...

After reading this, I might not...

Abby xxxooo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Georgie Girl!!

Um...I don't like the vet so much...Scruffy LOVES the vet, but he's a STOOPID as a rock...well...the rock is probably smarter...

We do get cool treaties and lotsa hugs and kissies...BUT...

It's just a little hoomiliatin' ya know???

Come and visit us!!!

Scuffy, LACIE and Babystan

Luc and Remy said...

Awww, George, we know all about the vet. We really like our vet but we both pee on the floor when we see him. Embarrassing, we know . . . we're glad you made it through that surprise!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Georgie, glad the trip to the vet wasn't all that bad after all. But don't you just hate it when the Vampire Vets steal your blood?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

I don't like the vet either, Georgie and Mitch hasn't figured out not to like him yet! Give it more time!
We have an award for you! Check out our blog!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Willow the Black Dale said...

How pawful that your mum tricked you! I hope she gave you lots of treats when you got home! Did she stop by McDonalds for you on the way home???

Nose pokes,

Tybalt said...

Poor Georgie! I hate the vet. I growl at them and snap at them. They put a note in my chart about me being bad and having to be muzzled. I'm not bad, I just don't trust strange people.


GEORGIE! I like the vet! They are nice! They give me treats! They poke me sometimes which isn't very nice but after they do that is when they give me TREATS! And I get to go for a RIDE in the CAR and look out the WINDOW and BARKBARKBARKBARK!

And then mommy feels bad and stops at a drive-thru to get me my very own cheeseburger for being a brave girl.


The Furry Kids said...

That was kind of a mean trick they played on you. I hope you got extra treats.

Your pal,

Noah the Airedale said...

George, you look very cute sitting there with your bandage. Your trip to the vet doesn't sound to draumatic.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

kelly barton art + design said...

hey there george!
my mom did the same thing
to me last week. i had to
have surgery and she didnt'
even ask me my opinion. darn